This article will assist you to register a new picture or change the current one on the system.
1. Login on the system
2. Click on additional workplaces
3. Select the Reception module
4. Click on "New Client or Booking" then search for the person using their ID number and click on search.
5. Click on "Select" and "Next" then click on "Photograph"
6. Click on (Click here to register a new photo) then click on "Take and Save Photo".
Need Assistance?
If you need personal assistance, please contact the help desk at support@thehealthsource.org or+27 (0) 13 004 0062 where one of our agents are waiting to assist you.
Our South African office ours are as follow:
Mondays –Fridays 07:00 – 17:00
Weekend Closed
Public Holidays Closed