This article will assist you to change occupation and site area.


1. Select client from today's worklist .

2. Once you have opened the Patient file , on the right hand side select the current visit type you want to change the occupation for.


3. The certificate of fitness site and occupation should be located on your top left side, select and click change and the below screen will show, after the changes have been made kindly click change for the changes to take place.

N.B : Please note the above changes are applicable if the COF(Certificate of fitness) has not been issued. If the COF has been issued you will have to delete the COF first, change occupation and apply the above instructions then Re-Issue.

Need  Assistance?

If you need personal assistance, please contact the help desk at support@thehealthsource.org  or +27 (0) 13 004 0062 where one of our agents are waiting to assist you.

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Mondays –  Fridays              07:00 – 17:00

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