This guideline will assist you to complete transaction based on the previous visit date. It might happen that a client’s visit could not be ended on the day of consultation due to power failure, network failure etc.
This transaction was not completed and/or still pending, the user needs to end the visit of the client.
This article assumes that you have worked or transacted on a client previous and did not complete the visit, Such client records can then be accessed later on by using capturing a Post Visit Consultation.
Login and Go to additional Workplaces
Select OH Consultation Module
1. Visit Date. The date for which the list must be displayed can be selected.
2. Capture on behalf of. In the event of back-dated capturing, the capturing might be given to a data capturer so that the practitioner can attend to new clients. In such case the person on whose behalf the record is captured can be selected from the drop-down list.
Select Complete Post Visit Consultation and select Visit date, The client will appear under on the Waiting list. Continue to transact on the client.
Besides the 2 points raised above, the rest of the functionality remains the same as for a current client and we will therefore not go into too much detail. The only other point to take note of is that by the time the capturing takes place, the client might not be present anymore. For this reason no fingerprint verification will be required – thus, take special care that the correct record is selected when post visit capturing takes place.
Need Assistance?
If you need personal assistance, please contact the help desk at support@thehealthsource.org or +27 (0) 13 004 0062 where one of our agents are waiting to assist you.
Our South African office ours are as follow:
Mondays – Fridays 07:00 – 17:00
Weekend Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Need Assistance?
If you need personal assistance, please contact the help desk at support@thehealthsource.org or +27 (0) 13 004 0062 where one of our agents are waiting to assist you.
Our South African office ours are as follow:
Mondays – Fridays 07:00 – 17:00
Weekend Closed
Public Holidays Closed