This article will assist you to un-finalize your report to be able to edit and/or adjust your figures accordingly.
After you followed all steps outlined in this article you should be able to get your reports open for editing.
This article assumes that you are a registered user in the system and have access to the Operation, and the user is responsible to capture, and finalize reports.
To be able to open your report for editing, Please contact support for assistance where the name of the Operation, year and milestone is required, this can be done through a call and/or in a form of an email.
Need Assistance?
If you need personal assistance, please contact the help desk at support@thehealthsource.org or +27 (0) 13 004 0062 where one of our agents are waiting to assist you.
Our South African office ours are as follow:
Mondays – Fridays 07:00 – 17:00
Weekend Closed
Public Holidays Closed