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Account Locked : Reset my password ?

It is possible to reset your password and unlock your account by clicking on the link “I forgot my Password” on the right-hand block were it says “Need Assistance?” heading. Your Username, ID number and the image code will be requested(N.B if the image is not clear to you please kindly generate new one by clicking "Generate new image"). Once you have entered all the information you can click on the button that reads "Submit". You will receive a message reading that “Once verifies, an e-mail and/or SMS will be sent to you(N.B please check on clutters, junk and spam folder as well). Please follow the instructions in the e-email/SMS to complete the resetting of your password “and click ok. Once you got the email click on the link to reset your password.


Your password combination must have the following :

1. At least 8 characters long

2. Must have one number e.g. 1 or 2

3. Must have one special character e.g. @,%,$

4. Must have combination of Upper case and Lower case e.g. PassWord